Schools guidance on gender questioning children Navigating gender identity in schools: A counsellor's perspective on affirmation vs. caution. BACP member blog
Support with your application We believe all members should have equal access to apply for accreditation. This is the support we can offer.
A quick guide to... Understanding tax in the 21st century Private practice toolkit - all member resource. PDF download
A quick guide to... Student to private practice Private practice toolkit - all member resource. PDF download
A quick guide to... Location and place of work Private practice toolkit - all member resource. PDF download
Phobias About therapy What are phobias and how can you overcome them? Counsellor Lorraine Collins examines what causes phobias, the symptoms and how counselling can help.
Trauma and PTSD About therapy What is trauma and what is PTSD? How do you cope with them? BACP member Dr Justin Havens offers advice and explains how counselling can help.
Social anxiety About therapy Our member Lou Baker explains what social anxiety is, how you can overcome a fear of social situations and how counselling can help you cope.
Eating disorders About therapy What are eating disorders? How do you know if you, or a loved one, have an eating disorder. BACP member Susie Pinchin explains how counselling can help if you have problems with food or abnormal eating habits.
Racial trauma About therapy Our member Kemi Omijeh looks at how racism can affect your mental health and explores what you can do if you’re affected by racial trauma