We believe Liz Kendall MP is right to acknowledge that addressing long-term sickness is key to boosting economic growth, and we welcome recognition that a more nuanced approach is required.

Economic growth

Liz Kendall featured on the front page of The Times today (24.07.24) after presenting a report which states that dealing with long-term sickness is “central” for economic growth. Kendall says that the priority is ensuring people have access to better health and employment services.

Welcoming this news, Kris Ambler, Workforce Lead at BACP, said:

“Under the previous government welfare reforms, centred on a raft of sanctions and punitive measures, have proven both costly and ineffective.

Complex set of pressures

“These gave little consideration for the complex set of pressures many people find themselves living under, especially those suffering mental ill health. Better integrating health and employment support services would be a welcome move, alongside freeing up Jobcentre staff from administering benefit rules to helping people find good, sustainable employment.

“Liz Kendall MP is right to acknowledge that addressing long-term sickness is key to boosting economic growth, as is recognising the wider determinants of whether people can get work, stay in work and thrive at work, including health, skills, transport and childcare. A myopic focus on ‘forcing’ people into work belies a narrative that many people don’t want to work, which simply isn’t true.

Better targeted support services

“With better targeted support for the economically inactive, including psychological therapies and work coaching, we will better help those consigned to a life devoid of both work and hope.”