We’re thrilled to have been named winners of the ‘Best Member Newsletter’ and highly commended in ‘Best Public Awareness Campaign’ at this year’s Memcom Excellence awards.

The judges said our fortnightly eBulletin “stood out” for “Asking the members what they want, and producing exactly that by utilising the customer thermometer tool.”

They also praised the constant testing to ensure the newsletter was fully accessible as well as being “written in plain English, easy to navigate and visually looked amazing.”

Raising awareness around anxiety

‘Anxiety is’, our campaign raising awareness of symptoms around anxiety using AI generated images, was highly commended in the ‘Best Public Awareness Campaign’ category.

Using quotes from real people describing how anxiety manifests in their daily lives we created and exhibited a collection of AI art generated.

We wanted to people to recognise and address these feelings, so they don’t suffer in silence and accept them as the norm.

The images were exhibited near Waterloo Station in London to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Week - who’d picked anxiety as its 2023 theme.

The images were popular with the public and the media. The campaign was widely reported by print and broadcast media, including The Guardian and Metro.

Adam Pollard, our Head of Marketing and Engagement, said:

“It’s wonderful to have our work acknowledged by our industry peers in this way.

“Achieving success in both categories is an incredible feat for the team, and an important reminder of the value of the work we do for our members, their clients and the wider profession.

“We’re all very passionate about our role in championing the counselling and psychotherapy profession, and are proud of to represent BACP in this way.”