Our member Glenda Roberts aims to bring people together in a three-minute meditation.

Glenda is inviting people to take part at 11.11am this Saturday (December 11) with the aim of sending out positivity and energy.

Glenda, CEO of JustTalk 2019, said: “In times of darkness we should take every opportunity to work together and in these three minutes we’ll create a field of positive energy, linking us across this beautiful world.”

The meditation has the support of our Spirituality division as well as other professional bodies including UKCP and NCS.

Maureen Slattery-Marsh, chair of our Spirituality division, said: “I’m looking forward to creating a sacred pause in my day at 11.11am on 11.11.2021. 

“I hope as many BACP members as possible will engage with this meditative action to create a heartbeat of solidarity and unity with a suffering world.

“Such a profound silent resounding of the reality that as one we walk this earth together cannot but have a healing impact.”

The meditation is due to be live on Facebook; YouTube; and Twitter.

Find out more about the three-minute meditation.