Are you a Qualified therapist who has experienced Walk and Talk therapy?

“Exploring the impact of Walk and Talk Therapy on the self in the therapeutic process”.

My research

 Hi, my name is Sophie, and I am a master’s student studying Clinical Counselling at the University of Chester currently doing my research project. I am interested in finding out the client experience of Walk and Talk Therapy and am looking to speak to therapists who have experienced Walk and Talk therapy as a client.  I want to find out the personal impact Walk and Talk therapy has on the self, and what it is about Walk and Talk Therapy that impacts client experience of the self. Because we will be speaking about your experience as a client, the therapeutic modality of the therapist-participant does not matter, nor does the modality of the therapy you received during your walk and talk sessions.

Inclusion Criteria

  • Over 21
  •  Qualified Counsellor
  •  Had three or more sessions of Walk and Talk Therapy (as a client).

What will happen?

I will ask you some questions about your experiences of Walk and Talk Therapy as a client. The interview will last around an hour and will take place on Microsoft Teams. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me on my email