Topic: Exploring the counselling training experiences of Black Sub- Saharan African (BSSA) immigrant counsellors in the UK
My name is Kila Konje. I am in the final year of an MA degree in Counselling at Waverley Abbey College in Farnham, Surrey. I am undertaking research in which, I am seeking to explore how Black Sub-Saharan African (BSSA) immigrants experienced counselling training in the UK and what they thought of these experiences as immigrants born and raised in a Sub-Saharan African country.
You may be eligible to participate if you:
- were born and raised in a Sub- Saharan African country and self- identify as Black Sub- Saharan African (BSSA) Immigrant.
- migrated to the UK at 18 years or above and been in the UK at least 5yrs or longer
- received counselling training in the UK (accredited course level 7)
- are newly qualified or have been qualified and currently in Clinical practice
Participation will involve:
Taking part in a one-to-one semi- structured 60-90 mins interview online with questions aimed at exploring what training as a counsellor/ therapist was like for you as an African immigrant in the UK. The interview will be recorded and your identity and responses will be kept confidential and safe. This project has been approved by a Research and Ethics Committee.
If you are interested and able to share your valuable experiences and or want to find out more please contact me via:
Thank you for your time
Kila Konje