An exploration of counsellors experiences of working with autistic adult clients

I'm a student studying for an MSc in Counselling at Northampton University.

What is the research project?

An exploration of counsellors experiences of working with autistic adult clients.

This study has received approval from the Psychology Ethics Committee at the University of Northampton.


I'm looking for participants to take part in this study who are working as a counsellor, are registered with a regulatory body, have been working in practice with adults for more than five years and have experiences of working with autistic adults.

Unfortunately, for ethical reasons, if you have a close family member with autism I would be unable to interview you. Participants would be required to commit to a semi-structured interview using an online platform that would take about an hour.

What is the purpose?

It is hoped that the results of this research will support and inform counsellors working with autistic adult clients.

To find out more, or request a participant information sheet, please contact me on