Extract from the Ethical Framework
50. We will take responsibility for how we offer our clients opportunities to work towards their desired outcomes and the safety of the services we provide or have responsibility for overseeing.
51. We will discuss with clients how best to work towards their desired outcomes and any known risks involved in the work.
52. We will ensure candour by being open and honest about anything going wrong and promptly inform our clients of anything in our work that places clients at risk of harm, or has caused them harm, whether or not the client(s) affected are aware of what has occurred by:
a. taking immediate action to prevent or limit any harm
b. repairing any harm caused, so far as possible
c. offering an apology when this is appropriate
d. notifying and discussing with our supervisor and/or manager what has occurred
e. investigating and take action to avoid whatever has gone wrong being repeated
53. We will consider carefully in supervision how we work with clients – see 60–73.
54. We will monitor how clients experience our work together and the effects of the work with them in ways appropriate to the type of service being offered.
Can you give some examples of when candour might arise in the counselling professions?