Working with adult adopted clients and adoption related issues

This event is tailored for BACP members looking to increase their expertise in working with adult adopted clients and parents (in England) who have been through the adoption process as adopters or adoptees. The event will explore sessions such as changes in regulations, lived experiences, and what’s next for BACP in supporting our members after the Ofsted reforms in this area. This event aims to increase knowledge and up date you on the latest developments in adoption counselling.

This event is aimed at all counsellors and practitioners who’d like to commence working with adult adopted clients now or in the future or continue the therapeutic relationship if adoption related issues arise in therapy.

The event aims to increase knowledge and update on the latest developments in adoption counselling. The change in guidance is for those working in England but theoretical content may be of interest to those working across the nations.

The event also aims to offer insights into the lived experience of an adoptive client and what these changes may mean for clients in the future. This may offer useful insights for non-members who are parents of an adopted client.  

The event will include 3 presentations followed by a Q&A session after each presenter.


Click on the sessions to find out more. If you are viewing this page on a mobile, rotate your screen to view the programme.

9.30am - 9.35am

Welcome & Introductions
9.35am - 10.40am

Working therapeutically with adult adoptees: themes and reflections, presented by Dr Hannah Ryan

10.40am –10.50am Break
10.50am –11.50am Working with adoption, presented by Gillian Bruce
11.50am –12.00pm Break
12.00pm –1.00pm 'Bearing the unbearable':  Helping adopted clients make sense of their stories, presented by Alison Roy
1.15pm Event close

This programme is subject to change.

Presentation information

Working therapeutically with adult adoptees: themes and reflections

9.40am – 10.40am

This session will explore the nuances and complexities of the psychology of adoptee trauma and prepare participants for common therapeutic presentations amongst adoptees.  There will be a focus on creating a space to think about relevant therapeutic skills and reflect on ethical dilemmas relevant to working with adoptees, such as limits of professional competence.

Working with adoption

10.50am – 11.50am

The session aims to help counsellors to understand the range of issues that adopted clients may present with and offer some ideas of how to approach these.

Adoption is a complex issue and no two adopted clients will have the same difficulties. In this session Gillian will share the range of issues and the factors involved that can heighten or lessen the issues of adoption.

Gillian will share research findings into the lifelong impacts of adoption, from her own experience and wider research so that the Biopsychosocial impacts can be recognised in counselling sessions and thereby managed effectively. Whilst not recognised in the DSM5, adoption is understood to be childhood developmental trauma by those in the field.

Many adoptees operate ‘in the fog’ until the problems can’t be denied any longer.  Gillian will report her experience of working with adoptees on retreats, support groups and private client work, along with her own lived experience and life impacts.

'Bearing the unbearable':  Helping adopted clients make sense of their stories.

12.00pm - 1.00pm

This session will explore how to work with narratives and stories brought by adopted clients to the therapeutic relationship. There will be an opportunity to reflect on the feelings that are engendered through hearing stories about early loss, neglect and trauma central to the adoption narrative and how creating space for these stories to be told and “gathered up” can potentially reshape them and shift negative core beliefs for our clients.