Event terms and conditions
Bookings can be made using our online booking system on our website.
Booking using the online booking system doesn't automatically constitute confirmation of a place. BACP will confirm all bookings by way of an online booking confirmation sent to the email address registered with us.
BACP cannot reserve places on events without payment in full. All bookings are made on a first-come, first-served basis.
If you've not received a booking confirmation from BACP within seven days of making your booking, please contact the events team on events@bacp.co.uk to check your booking has been received.
If your membership lapses prior to the event for bookings for member only Events, which are subject to the continued membership with BACP, your place will be cancelled and refunded to you, subject to our refund policy.
BACP doesn’t endorse, recommend or favour any Event Sponsors or Exhibitors.
Payment methods
All fees include VAT at the standard UK rate. Our VAT registration number is 348 4063 92
Payment can be made by credit or debit card (American Express is not accepted).
All fees must be paid in full at the time of booking. For fees of £95 and over, requests for invoices are accepted on receipt of an official purchase order from your organisation. Invoices must be paid no later than four weeks prior to the event or 28 days from invoice, whichever is the soonest. Purchase orders will not be accepted less than 14 days prior to an event. Any purchase orders received within 28 days of an event must be paid immediately. If invoices are not paid prior to the event BACP reserves the right to refuse admission to the event until the fee is paid in full.
Cancellations of conference and event attendance will be required in writing or by email. If there is more than three weeks to the conference or event a refund will be issued in line with the refund policy. Cancellations after this period or failure to attend without prior notification will incur a 100% cancellation charge unless the cancelled place can be resold. In this case, we will advise you after the event has taken place and the refund policy will be applied.
Refund eligibility
Please see our Refund policy
All paid membership subscriptions or payments for services, for example journal subscriptions, events etc will be subject to a 30 days cooling-off period from the date of renewal or purchase. Certain services, such as digital content, are exempt from a cooling-off period.
Any fees paid will be refunded in full to you once a written or emailed request to cancel or lapse your membership or service has been received, within the 30 days cooling-off period.
After the 30 days cooling-off period (except downloaded or digital content that have been accessed and membership subscriptions) any refund for products and services ie events, accreditation applications, will be subject to an administration charge of £20 where no fault by BACP occurred. We try to refund members by the same method that we received the payment.
Digital products
The 30 days cooling-off period does not apply to downloaded or accessed products purchased in digital or online form, such as information, online CPD resources, webcasts (this list is not exhaustive). By accessing and downloading these products, you acknowledge that you will lose your right to cancel or receive a refund for this service. However, these products must still be of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose and as described. If they do not conform you have the right to a replacement.
Substitute delegates
BACP will accept substitute delegates without administration charges at any time subject to receipt of substitute delegate details and, where applicable, immediate payment of any additional fees due. Where the substitute delegate is entitled to a fee less than that originally paid, no refund will be given. BACP cannot guarantee the inclusion of substitute delegate details into the event administration process if the substitution is made with less than 10 days’ notice. We cannot accept substitute delegates for webcast bookings, see digital products above.
Specific requirements and dietary needs
BACP is committed to meeting the needs of all delegates and will try to ensure any specific requirements are fully met subject to reasonable prior notice. Please state your request at the time of booking and we will confirm arrangements.
We may use photographs taken at events in publicity and marketing materials, including use on our website. Your attendance at an event may mean that you are featured in such photographs and you are deemed not to object to the taking of such photographs as detailed above. If you do not wish to be included in any photograph, please notify the photographer at the relevant event prior to the photographs being taken.
BACP may record events for use in an online video library, BACP publicity and marketing materials including use on our website. This filming will primarily focus on the speakers and their presentations however, some shots of the audience may be included. Your attendance at these events mean that you give deemed consent to your inclusion in these recordings. If you do not wish to be included in any recording it is your responsibility to notify the cameraman at the event prior to the commencement of the filming.
Data protection
BACP Fair processing notice
BACP is committed to complying with the GDPR and the DPA 2018. We only use the information you give us for the purposes specified on this form and laid out in detail in the BACP Privacy notice. We will only hold the information for as long as we need it to carry out the task for which it was given. You have rights under current legislation to limit or prevent the processing of your data and to have access to this information. We never sell your personal information to third parties but may need to share your details with suppliers who work on our behalf. To find out more about how we use your personal data, any third parties we may share it with and your rights in relation to it, see our privacy notice.
Limitation of liability
BACP reserves the right to amend or cancel any event or event times and dates. This includes changes to speakers, content and programme. In the occurrence of an event cancellation, BACP will return any payments received in advance. If UK Government restrictions result in you being unable to travel to the event or they prevent BACP from holding the event, then a full refund or alternative event ticket to the same value will be offered. BACP will not refund any costs incurred as a result of this cancellation or provide any additional sums by way of compensation.
- In no event will BACP be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from attending events unless it is directly due to negligence on its part. This includes damage caused to your computer, computer software, systems and programmes and their data (if attending online) or any other direct or indirect, consequential and incidental damages.
- In no event will BACP be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from using the material or information gained at BACP events. This includes but is not limited to, information, material, advice or reliance on any of Event Sponsors, Presenters, or Exhibitors. For the avoidance of doubt, attendance at an Event does not constitute any endorsement or recommendation by BACP of the Event Sponsor, Presenter, or Exhibitors.
- The copyright of all training material rests with the trainer or speaker, and BACP may not be held responsible for any infringements as a result of plagiarism, libel, slander or any misuse of any material.
- BACP shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damages of any nature whether direct or indirect including any loss of profits or any consequential damages suffered or incurred by the event attendees for whatever reason.
- Content included in our live events programme should be considered as a reflection of the presenters experience and taken in the context in which it is delivered, without any representation or endorsement made by BACP. The live event content is intended to provide informal learning (as opposed to training). Unlike formal training, the content is non-course based and does not assess understanding. Attending an event alone does not constitute sufficient competency to practise in the areas discussed.
Content information
All right, title and interest in and to all intellectual property rights, including but not limited to the content, are held by BACP absolutely. Any recording or on-demand service can only be used for personal CPD purposes. The content cannot be copied, replicated or used for any other purpose including but not limited to training.
BACP doesn’t permit delegates to post advertising of products and services or affiliate links into the online chatroom during events. If BACP observe this, warnings will be issued as per the chatroom guidelines.
Terms and conditions regarding Certificate of Proficiency assessments
- BACP reserves the right to transfer or assign all or any of its rights, duties and responsibilities set out in these Terms and Conditions to third parties. I understand that there are certain circumstances where BACP may need to disclose my personal information to a third party organisation, who will help supply the CoP assessment. This includes but is not limited to our online CoP supplier, TestReach Limited. By booking your CoP assessment, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions and for your information to be shared with third parties in this way to enable BACP to supply the services to you.
- I confirm and agree to inform BACP if I am unable to attend an assessment giving at least five working days’ notice prior to the assessment. If I do not give sufficient notice, then I understand that BACP will charge a booking fee of £30 if I subsequently book to take the assessment again.
- I understand that the Certificate of Proficiency will be in exam conditions and that I am expected to behave accordingly. (Detailed information about our expectations of you as a candidate will be provided on the assessment day.
- I understand that my assessment may be terminated if my behaviour is deemed inappropriate and that, if this occurs, I will not be entitled to any compensation in relation to expenses incurred.
- I understand that three successive failures of the CoP assessment will result in the removal of my BACP membership for a period of no less than six months.
- Should my membership be removed due to three successive CoP failures, no refund will be given of previously paid membership fees.
- Should my membership be removed due to three successive CoP failures, I will be required to sit and pass the CoP before re-entry into membership at a fee of £75, payable on booking. I understand I will then need to re-apply for membership as a new applicant.
- Any re-entry to membership after a period of removal will be subject to article 12.3 of the Articles of Association.
- BACP reserves the right to amend (including but not limited to venues, dates and times) or cancel a Certificate of Proficiency date. In the unlikely occurrence of an event cancellation, BACP will not refund any costs incurred as a result of this cancellation or provide any additional sums by way of compensation.
- BACP reserves the right to request supporting evidence from members at any stage who have notified us of specific adjustments required to enable them to take the assessment.
Failure to pass the Certificate of Proficiency (after three attempts)
If a member fails to pass the CoP after three attempts membership can be reinstated after six months by booking on and paying for a CoP, passing the CoP, completing a new ‘Invitation to Membership Application Pack’, and paying the new 12 months membership fees.
Members are able to pay to book, complete and pass the CoP prior to the conclusion of the six months exclusion period; however membership cannot be reapplied for until six months have passed since termination.
In all cases membership will start with new renewal dates once all elements are completed and processed.
Why we may withdraw membership
BACP’s Articles of Association detail some of the overarching reasons members may cease to be a member or have their membership withdrawn (Article 12) unless the Board of Governors determines otherwise.
Some more practical examples of how we may exercise our rights to withdraw membership are if a member fails to:
- attain Registered Member status (Article 12.5(h)(i)(k))
- pass the Certificate of Proficiency (after three attempts) (Article 12.5(h)(i)(k))
Complaints policy
At BACP we always aim to provide a high-quality service to both members and non-members.
We welcome feedback on how we can improve our service and communications to ensure that they are always valuable and appropriate. Please tell us if you are unhappy so we have the chance to put things right.
You may find it beneficial to read through our other policies and procedures, Ethical Framework or Articles before making a complaint. These could provide you with further information as to why we have acted in a certain way or made a specific decision.
In any relationship things can go wrong or there can be a difference of opinion. In the first instance we hope that you will have addressed your concern to the department directly involved. However, if you are still dissatisfied with the outcome you are able to make a formal complaint following these policy guidelines.
See our Complaints policy