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Imperfect therapist
A distanced walk: "At one point, she asks if we can sit down on a bench. I watch her take a seat, apparently unconcerned by the lack of disinfectant wipes."

Readers' reviews of new books

Bulletin board
Members' notices on supervision, placements, research and not-for-profit networking groups

Taking ourselves apart

Lesley Ludlow

"Why am I boring you with a story about an oven? Well, to me, it’s symbolic."

From the Chair, Lesley Ludlow

Accepting that we are animals

Sarah Van Gogh

"…their bodies told the stories of what postures they both must have held frequently as children"

My practice, Sarah Van Gogh

Working well

Jim Holloway

"Working well is fully noticing and getting genuinely curious about what’s happening when you feel you’re ‘off’"

Supervision, Jim Holloway

A chance to rethink

Alex Sanderson Shortt

"What are you doing it like that for?"

Relationships, Alex Sanderson-Shortt