Open article

Topical issues

In practice

Readers' voices

Your letters to the editor. BACP Children, Young People and Families, September 2021

Personal critiques of new books


Leading the way
Divisional news, including updates from from BACP’s CYPF Lead Jo Holmes and Chairs 

A round-up of the latest findings and policy updates affecting CYPF


COVID-19 and the student cohort

"I hope we can hold on to the positives this devastating pandemic has provided, once it is finally over."

Training, Sue Kegerreis

Self-harm in counselling

"Self-inflicted injury needs to be thought about as an expression of distress, which is at once personal, social and societal."

Counselling, Lucy-Jean Lloyd

Projections of failure in counselling

"I think it is one of the hardest jobs of a therapist to hold trust in the therapeutic process, with all its ambiguities and almost impossible outcome measures."

Supervision, Ryan Lowe