Publication policy

For information on when and why we publish notices, see

Professional Conduct publication policy

Upcoming public hearings

Future links to Appeal Hearing's will show here. 

Hearing findings, decision and sanction notices

These provide details of the complaint, the panel’s findings and decision, and any sanctions imposed upon the member. These notices will remain on the website for a minimum of two months, unless replaced by a withdrawal of membership or registration notice.

We may have more than one member with the same name, so it's important to check the membership number. We’ll also include a geographical location to help identify them. 

February 2025: EH, Reference No 00797416, Registrant ID 379887

December 2024: KS, Reference No 00722338, Registrant ID 45146

July 2024: ST, Reference No 00373624, Registrant ID 808856



Consensual disposal notices

These relate to complaints where, with due regard for public protection, we have agreed with the member that the complaint can be resolved without the need for a Professional Conduct Panel (PCP) hearing. These notices stay on the website for a minimum of two months, unless replaced by a withdrawal of membership or sanction compliance notice.

March 2025: Uni of C, Reference No 00100108

March 2025: BH, Reference No 00546702, Registrant ID 12664

March 2025: RASASC South London, Reference No: 00108504

January 2025: PR, Reference No 00737775 , Registrant ID 183449

August 2024: CJ, Reference No: 00959231 Registrant: ID:388077

August 2024: CW, Reference No:00534417 Registrant ID:591


Sanction compliance notices

Where a sanction panel decides that a sanction imposed by a panel has been complied with, we'll publish a sanction compliance notice. These notices will remain on the website for two months.

March 2025: SE, Reference No 00598402, Registrant ID 43262

March 2025: JP, Reference No 00554652, Registrant ID 51537

March 2025: JM, Reference No 00682204, Registrant ID 32174

March 2025: AJ, Reference No 00754011, Registrant ID 172581



Readmission to membership or registration notices

These relate to members who have previously had their membership or registration withdrawn but have now been readmitted. These will remain on the website for a minimum of two months.