Publication policy

For information on when and why we publish notices, see

Professional Conduct publication policy

Hearing findings, decision and sanction notices

These provide details of the complaint, the panel’s findings and decision, and any sanctions imposed upon the member. These notices will remain on the website for a minimum of two months, unless replaced by a withdrawal of membership or registration notice.

We may have more than one member with the same name, so it's important to check the membership number. We’ll also include a geographical location to help identify them.  

March 2024: AW, Reference No: 00733813 Registrant ID: 113884

March 2024: SG, Reference No: 00701177 Registrant ID: 57026

December 2023:  IZN, Reference No 00770545, Registrant ID 195469

November 2023: NE, Reference No 00818489

August 2023: Deborah Laxton, Reference No: 00573620 Registrant ID:12364

August 2023: Adrian Bonell, Reference No 00609678, Registrant ID 26623

August 2023: Tony White , Reference No: 00733516 Registrant ID: 375972

July 2023: Duncan Hamilton, Reference No: 00954283 Registrant ID:385296

June 2023: Ana Cristina Fonseca Reference No: 00562458 Registrant ID: 176573

June 2023: Brenda Bicknell, Reference No: 00532262 Registrant ID: 76174

May 2023: Delia Limburg Reference No: 00527751 Registrant ID:8270




Consensual disposal notices

These relate to complaints where, with due regard for public protection, we have agreed with the member that the complaint can be resolved without the need for a Professional Conduct Panel (PCP) hearing. These notices stay on the website for a minimum of two months, unless replaced by a withdrawal of membership or sanction compliance notice.

June 2024: BF, Reference No 00923872, Registrant ID 384607

June 2024: JP, Reference No 00610310, Registrant ID 46512

June 2024: CS, Reference No 00509179, Registrant ID 375595

June 2024: EN, Reference No 00885717 , Registrant ID 375713

March 2024: JW, Reference No: 00949521 Registrant ID: 386137

March 2024: GP, Reference No: 00605906 Registrant ID: 45778





Sanction compliance notices

Where a sanction panel decides that a sanction imposed by a panel has been complied with, we'll publish a sanction compliance notice. These notices will remain on the website for two months.

June 2024: SW, Reference No 00658450 , Registrant ID 84186

May 2024: AC, Reference No: 00950873 Registrant ID:382008

May 2024: JW, Reference No: 00789475 Registrant ID:226158













Readmission to membership or registration notices

These relate to members who have previously had their membership or registration withdrawn but have now been readmitted. These will remain on the website for a minimum of two months.

Withdrawal of membership or registration notices

2024 notices

June 2024: SA, Reference No 00759628, Registrant ID 180806

June 2024: GA, Reference No 00527232 , Registrant ID 14610

2023 notices

April 2023: Michelle Green, Reference No: 00772699

March 2023: Lee Adams, Reference No 00928321

February 2023: Jason Bennett, Reference No 00699223, Registrant ID 62973

February 2023: Martha Bvunzawabaya, Reference No 00756181, Registrant ID 378491

January 2023: Lavinia Grace Dawson, Reference No: 00640289, Registrant ID 114340

January 2023: Jacqueline Johnson, Reference No 00844917, Registrant ID 385444

January 2023: Paul Hedley, Reference No 00816640, Registrant ID 197304

January 2023: Joshua Darby, Reference No 00920998, Registrant ID 380725

2022 notices

November 2022: Fay Brown, Reference No 00720624, Registrant ID 90244

2021 notices

January 2022: Emmanuele Bazzano, Reference No 00576129, Registrant ID 82597

December 2021: Madalina Day, Reference No 00764707, Registrant ID 221504

September 2021: Sarah Templeton, Reference No 00773642, Registrant ID 109231

May 2021: Christina Morris, Reference No 00787535, Registrant ID 193780

January 2021 - Jenny Heron, Reference No 00522615, Registration ID 9663

2019 notices

November 2019: Elizabeth Farrow, Reference No 00547946, Registrant ID 34054

September 2019: Graham Hackney, Reference No 00758286, Registrant ID 301697

July 2019: Brett Gunning, Reference No 00706392, Registrant ID 59581

June 2019 : Steven Mallett, Reference no 817284