Our complaints portal was disabled from Tuesday 11th March 2025. If you've already submitted your complaint, an Assessor will contact you again shortly, but if you need to contact the Professional Conduct team about an existing complaint please email: complaints.assessor@bacp.co.uk

To submit a new complaint please read the section, I'd like to make a complaint.

I'd like to talk about making a complaint

If you have concerns about your therapy, please try speaking to your therapist first to try to resolve the issue directly with them.

If you feel you can’t speak to your therapist, you can talk to our Get help with counselling concerns service. They can answer any questions you may have and offer guidance on what to do next.

If you decide to make a complaint, you’ll need to tell us how you have tried to resolve the issue, or explain why this has not been possible.

If your therapist works for a BACP organisational member, you should complain through their internal complaints procedures first. Contact your counselling service provider for details.

I'm thinking about making a formal complaint

We’re only able to consider complaints against our members, so please check that your therapist is a BACP member. We can also deal with complaints about former members in some circumstances.

Please see our guide to making a complaint or email professional_conduct@bacp.co.uk if you want more information.

Guide to making a complaint against a BACP member (pdf 140KB)

We have two complaints procedures which can be used by clients, our members and ourselves to complain about alleged poor practice by a member:

If we uphold a complaint, there several possible steps we can take, including withdrawal of membership.

I'd like to make a complaint

If you wish to make a complaint, please click on our complaint form. Please note if you have a self disclosure or third party referral please also complete the complaint form with all the relevant information. 

If you need help, or have any problems making your complaint, please email us at professional_conduct@bacp.co.uk

Alternatively, you can download and complete a Word version of the form and send it by post to Professional Conduct, BACP House, Unit 15, St. John’s Business Park, Lutterworth, LE17 4HB.

Professional conduct complaint form (docx 133KB)

What happens next

We'll contact you to confirm we've received your complaint and will talk you through the process and any further information we may need.

It may take up to 12 to 18 months to complete the complaints procedure. For more information, please see:

Professional Conduct Procedure timeframes (pdf 140KB)

Article 12.6 timeframes (pdf 80KB)